Our Values — St. Mary of the Mills
Solidarity with the Church

Solidarity with the Church

Authentic Image in Christ

Authentic Image in Christ

The Catholic Church is a vast community. Stretching all over the world and affecting billions of people. Yet, we are a united community. Through the Church we are one, holy, catholic and apostolic. Languages, culture, and history might separate us, but we are together under one faith. With that unity comes faith.

God created us in His image. Then He sent His only Son to give His life freely for our sins. There is no greater love. When people see us, we want them to see that sacrificial love. We want them to see Christ, Himself, in our lives. We want to live into the image that God made us out of.  

Spreading the Gospel Message

Spreading the Gospel Message

Serve God's Church with Love & Support

Serve God's Church with Love & Support

We have been given a mission. To spread the Good News. The news that God is alive and well. The news that Christ loves us and our sins are forgiven. The news that WE can partake in the feast in heaven. How good is that? Good enough to share? That is our mission, to step away from ourselves and share the love of Christ to all people of all nations. 

We spread that Gospel message by loving, supporting, and serving each other. St. Francis of Assisi: "Always preach the Gospel, when necessary use words." Through our actions we will show you how much Christ loves you. Faith is not simply a choice, but an action following the choice. "So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead." James 2:17