Elizabeth Ministry — St. Mary of the Mills

Elizabeth Ministry   

We prepare and deliver meals for new families after the arrival of a new baby or after a recent adoption.  Pregnant women and families about to adopt are invited to contact Elizabeth Ministry before the baby’s arrival so that they can pray for you and your infant.  Please contact Sara Glenn at saraelglenn@hotmail.com or the Parish Office. We also welcome any new cooks to sign up for this ministry.

St. Mary's Parish Mother's Group

New members welcome to the St. Mary of the Mills Mom's Group! We meet outside on Wednesdays, 10:00am-11:45am. The kids play, the moms fellowship and pray the Rosary! Contact Cathy Simmons for location details and to be put on the email list. Call or text 240-529-8173 or email cathygill4@gmail.com.